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Free Income Tax Preparation

A 1040 tax form


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Earned Income Tax Coalition

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Third Federal Savings & Loan

Our tax site is closed for the season.

For help filing taxes, please visit

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Rachel Slomovitz

Housing and Financial Counselor

Contact: | (216) 373-1769

For more than a decade, Rachel Slomovitz has provided support and resources to individuals and families in crisis seeking self-sufficiency and empowerment. Rachel built on a successful career as a real estate appraiser when she joined Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP), a non-profit, HUD-approved housing and financial counseling agency and subsidiary of Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. 

For more than a decade, Rachel Slomovitz has provided support and resources to individuals and families in crisis seeking self-sufficiency and empowerment. Rachel built on a successful career as a real estate appraiser when she joined Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP), a non-profit, HUD-approved housing and financial counseling agency and subsidiary of Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. 

Since 2009, she has counseled over 5,000 homeowners needing assistance with foreclosure prevention. Rachel is a HUD Certified Counselor and holds several certifications in financial coaching/counseling including the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), NeighborWorks, Credit Builders Alliance, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and more.

She is also an Ohio Benefits Bank Counselor, an adult vision screener, a volunteer income tax preparer and site coordinator, and she served as one of the first lead counselors on an innovative property tax loan program for older adults. Rachel is a member of the Cuyahoga County Adult Protective Collaborative that focuses on issues relating to elder abuse and exploitation.