Asset Publisher

Matched Savings Program

Matched Saving participants showing off their savings


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US Bank

Build an emergency savings of $1,000 over a year through ESOP’s Learn and Earn Account Program. 

Attend a minimum of 4 Senior Financial Education Workshops. Participate in 6 financial coaching sessions, make 10 monthly deposits and receive a match of up to $500. Call 216.791.8000 or email us at to find out more details!  


External Request Form

Matched Savings Programs- Enrollment Request Form

Please complete and submit the below form. Intake staff will then reach out to you soon!

Phone Numbers




Tiffany Taylor

Assistant Director of Housing and Financial Counseling

Contact: | (216) 373-1849

Tiffany Taylor is the Assistant Director of Housing and Financial Counseling with Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP). ESOP is a non-profit HUD approved Housing and Financial Counseling Agency and is a subsidiary of Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. Tiffany began working for ESOP in 2013 where she started out as a Foreclosure Prevention Advocate, then went on to work as a Financial Empowerment Coach for several years. Tiffany was then promoted to Assistant Director of Housing and Financial Counseling in 2019, where she has played an integral role in Program Development, Managing and Training the staff, alongside the Director of Housing and Financial Counseling.

Tiffany Taylor is the Assistant Director of Housing and Financial Counseling with Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP). ESOP is a non-profit HUD approved Housing and Financial Counseling Agency and is a subsidiary of Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. Tiffany began working for ESOP in 2013 where she started out as a Foreclosure Prevention Advocate, then went on to work as a Financial Empowerment Coach for several years. Tiffany was then promoted to Assistant Director of Housing and Financial Counseling in 2019, where she has played an integral role in Program Development, Managing and Training the staff, alongside the Director of Housing and Financial Counseling.

Tiffany is a HUD Certified Counselor through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and she holds several certifications in Financial Coaching/Counseling from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), Neighbor Works, TRI-C, and Credit Builders Alliance.

Tiffany completed her education at Indiana Wesleyan University in Ohio where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management.