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Senior Companion

Volunteer for our Senior Companion program to offer your companionship and assistance to other older adults who may be lonely and isolated.

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Rose Centers for Aging Well



Benefits of Volunteering

Are you looking to learn a new skill, become more connected in your community, or engage with others? Whatever your reason may be, volunteering could be a great option for you! Volunteers are crucial to many organizations, as they provide fresh, new ideas, cost savings to the organization, and share knowledge, expertise and experiences with staff and other volunteers. So why not give back and gain something in return?

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By Ashlee Williman | 06/11/2019

Ways to Manage Social Isolation

The negative impact and detrimental effects of social isolation remain an important topic. The AARP Public Policy Institute’s 2018 study “highlighted social isolation as the new silent killer – a major risk factor for a host of conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and early onset dementia.” AARP defines social isolation as “occur[ing] when people withdraw and become disconnected from family, friends and community” and reports, “… nearly 1 in 5 Americans 65 and older are socially isolated”. Given these startling statistics, what are ways we can reduce our risk and manage social isolation?

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By Ashlee Williman | 06/11/2019

Setting Up a Group Outing

Group outings are an important activity for many community centers, and can also be a great way for older adults to arrange engaging activities with their friends and social groups. These outings provide opportunities for socialization, exercise, learning, reminiscing, and connecting with others. While it might seem straightforward to plan a local outing, there are a few tips we can follow to make these outings as smooth and successful as possible.

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By Ashlee Williman | 06/11/2019

The Impact of Intergenerational Programming

Intergenerational programs provide opportunities to bridge generations through interactive activities and shared experiences. The impact and benefits of intergenerational programming can be measured on many levels. Whether you’re an older adult interested in participating in these activities or an organizer interested in planning them, here are just a few real world examples from the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging’s Rose Centers for Aging Well of how intergenerational activities have benefited various generations of participants.

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By Ashlee Williman | 06/11/2019

Walking Tips to Support a Loved One

There are many health benefits for older adults who walk on a regular basis. If a loved one has mobility issues, they can still benefit from walking, even if it's just a little bit. Here are some tips to help a loved one remain mobile.

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